Part 1: Moving Checklist
Suggested Timeline: Two months prior to the moving day:
- Start looking into a moving partner. To get the ball rolling, you can contact Prossers Moving & Storage for a no-cost, no-obligation quote and estimate.
- Determine what you must keep and what you want to get rid of. Donate or sell some items that you don’t want to bring with you anymore.
- Take note of fragile items or items that will need special care or additional insurance coverage.
- Keep records binder handy of your move-related documents. This is a life-saver down the road.
- Organize all school records of your kids and start the process of having them transferred to the new school district. Moving out checklist saves a lot of time and helps you track of your possessions.
Part 2: Packing Stage
- Make sure you have all the supplies needed when packing and keep them in an easy to reach spot so that it’s easier for everyone involved. You need boxes, marking pens, bubble wraps, newspaper & tissue, packaging tapes, scissors, post-its and tape measure.
- Choose strong and sturdy boxes that can be secured tightly. Purchase special boxes for dishes, wardrobe and other special/fragile items. Avoid packing boxes too heavily.
- Label Your Boxes Appropriately. Mark each box according to its room, special handling instructions, and loading & unloading priority.
- Pack Electronics in the original boxes. Keep related pieces together. Label cables and tighten transit screws. If removing screws, tape them to the objects they are removed from.
- Avoid Furniture Polish. It’s tempting to clean and dust all of your furniture before it goes on the moving van, but using furniture polish can turn furniture into a slippery handful.
Part 3: Unpacking Stage
Suggested Timeline: ASAP until 1-2 weeks.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the prospect of dealing with all those boxes immediately after the van drives away! Make your unpacking experience a little less daunting and a little more fun.
- Unpack the essentials. This box of essentials should contain everything you need to make it for a couple of nights.
- Stock the cupboard. One of the first rooms you should unpack is the kitchen. Get all the basics up and running. You’ll need the energy boost a good, home cooked meal can give.
- Tackle the garage last. But, your garage can get out of hand pretty quickly, so try to have an organization plan in mind before unpacking.
- Remember the time-honored practice of delivery pizza. Sit on the floor or use still-unpacked boxes as chairs and tables. Make the most out of the experience, take a deep breath, and never forget to enjoy yourself.